Posted 12/17/2009 11:28 AM (GMT 0)
Well, I was feeling really crappy yesterday and missed my DR appt. I called and she told me that he is going on holiday and I can't get in again until mid Jan. It was my understanding that after the ER visit I was going to be in the works for Remicade--the preappoval and such. I found out that it is NOT in the works at all!!!! The DR uped my imuran to 100 mg/endocort to 3 a day and was going to see me today to see about Remicade. I am telling you all that in the ER that morning he said Remicade was the best option and I agreed with him!!!! I don't undersand why it isn't in the works! I am going to be on shutdown from my job over the holidays and was hoping to get at least one treatment in! I am frustrated, however I am wondering if Gods plan isn't for me to focus on my dietary needs. I am on track about 60% of the time as far as diet goes--that leaves 40% that could make a HUGE difference. I sit with the DR to call me about the situation along with an increased immuran and endocort dose. I am going to make the effort even over the holidays to work with my body on the dietary side of things--maybe by mid Jan I won't need the Remicade??!!
Thank you all for reading my little temper tantrum:)