Hi jrs, sorry you have to be here due to crohn's....you might want to try a food journal to make it easier for you to figure out which foods to avoid since it varies from patient to patient...also when you do start to feel well enough to exercise again, I strongly suggest you get back into it and modify it based on how bad your flare(s) are/become, any exercising is always better than none at all and it does help with promoting healthy bowel function.
Look into probiotics and fibre supplements (so long as you're not a crohnie that has severe stricturing/blockage issues with your CD, fibre is also very beneficial for the bowels, like probiotics they help sweep the bowels of bad bacteria). As far as probiotics go, there are tons to choose from, generally the refridgerated ones are better and anything with at least 10 billion live cultures is more beneficial as well.
Good luck, find relief soon :)
p.s. I'm from Canada as well :)