ok, clue #1- passing gas thru your vagina! Awful, yet true... this was the first real "symptom" I experienced with mine, & when it happened I wanted to cry. I think I did cry, actually... And along with the gas, mucousy stuff also. It's pretty disheartening. I was having gas & mucous come thru mine for about
a year before any doctor verified that it was actually there- they used to say ridiculous things to me, like "You must not be wiping well"....
??@?#$??#%^%!!!!!! This was from my ob/gyn. Nothing showed up on a cat scan my GI ordered either, but it was there. I've had one now for close to 3 years, boohoo... But am used to it. I do have to wear either a pad or pantyliner every day, to catch the discharge.