Several times, usually during Crohn's flares or when sick with the flu, I've had hematuria. Over the past year, I've also had more issues with needing to go to the bathroom more frequently even if my bladder is not full. Sometimes white blood cells are present, other times they are not. During flares, I'll also get a dull pain in my flank region. My doctor believes that I might have "slush" in my kidneys or perhaps a fistula that has connected to my bladder. Cipro helps a lot during these periods when I constantly have to go.
How many of you, especially you fellow ladies, have developed urinary symptoms along with your Crohn's? Anyone else have hematuria? An idiot ER doctor once suggested that it's a sign of kidney disease, which is true, but at the same time everything is always traceable back to the Crohn's. I'm really not in the mood to go get tests done unless something quite wrong becomes apparent, just want to confirm that this sort of thing happens to other Crohn's patients.