I'm to start remicade as well, and am very nervous about
it as well, I'm on imuran and pred. pre4d helps but imuran desn't do to much, i have had 4 surgeries and 2 recections, so i have inflammation and narrowing, but now cd has moved up my throat mouth blisters and tongue leasions, but I'm tired of looking up side effects. I always am interested in peoples bio so I glanced at yours, horseback riding is one of the greatest most relaxing things you could possibly do, I've been riding since I was 4, I'm 59 now and i was a horse jockey for 18 years, so I ride horses like you would walk,it's second nature to me. the key to riding is thinking like they do but be smarter than thye are, i know all they're behavor patterns, so that does take years to learn, not so much for me because i was raised with them, my wife the same.good luck to you