To lichtblick 23, I just read your post and would like to offer a few things to you if you are considering breast implants.
1. First and foremost, don't get them if you are doing it for a husband/boyfriend, make sure it is something you are doing for yourself.
2. Even though they say that silicone is safe now, I would still always recommend saline, like I said in my post, if for any reason, they should ever leak, it is a safe liquid that can be absorbed by your body.
3. When you start to research the price of breast implants, it can be anywhere between $2000.00 and $6000.00, just because you can get them cheap does not mean they will be good. I paid $6000.00 for mine (Canada),and I am glad that I went to a reputable doctor. Try and talk to alot of women that have had them and get a recommendation from them then any other place.
4. There is a difference between getting them placed over your own breasts or under them. I got my implants placed under my breasts, I heard from other women that this is good choice and are not as easy to detect that you have implants and they are more stable. Having them placed over your breasts is what most strippers have because the down time is shorter.
5. The most important thing I will tell you is that there is alot of pain with implant surgery, and it is a good 6 weeks until you are feeling better. You have to keep your chest bound for that long too.
The main thing is to really think about it before going ahead, there is alot to consider, it is a big decision.
Hope these suggestions help you.