I was on Humira and it caused me high blood pressure. It is not reversible either. I always had low, almost dangerously low, blood pressure. I was getting horrible headaches a few months into starting Humira. I often looked red in my face and was hot all of the time. I went to my primary care doctor and my BP was 150/90. Previously it had always been around 100/70, sometimes lower. My GI doc did not think it was the Humira (did not seem worried about
it at all), but my primary care doc did think it was Humira. She told me to stop taking. I am on a low dose BP med and eliminated as much salt as possible and get as much potassium as possible in my diet. I have always eaten well, worked out, and do Yoga. Now I am on Cimzia and my BP, with meds and other steps I have taken, has been 117/59 and 126/77 the last two doctor's visits.
Good luck and go to your primary care doctor!