Hi guys! I just became a member about 30 seconds ago, so I hope I'm doing this right! I'm a thirteen year-old with Crohn's Disease, and I was diagnosed when I was ten. I usually flare-up about once a year, although last year I was lucky. This year, not so much. I have a doctor's appointment with my specialist in about a week, which was scheduled after he put me on Balsalazide, instead of Pentasa. My symptoms haven't gotten any better, unfortuantely. I know my specialist is going to try to put my on Prednisone. It hasn't worked well in the past, and I fail to see how it will work now. Being your average teenager, I am somewhat vain and am not looking forward to the acne, "moon face", and weight gain, among other symptoms. Is there anything else I can use to make me feel better?
Tried: 3g of Pentasa
On: 15mg of Prevacid, 50mg of Mercaptopurine, 4.5g of Balsalazide, and 500mg Calcium Supplement
History: Two half sisters with IBD
Where: Small intestine