I was wondering if there is a way to search for certain questions on this site with out having to click on every page? I have a small bowel follow through test tomorrow and after that will discuss with my doctor about
surgery. I am at that point that nothing else is helping. I always thought, to be talking about
surgery I would be far worse off than what I am. I am in constant pain, sometimes worse than others, and there are plenty of other symptoms (bloating, trapped gas (which is the worst ever- I'd rather have constant direha because the trapped gas is so bad) aches from my tummy to my back, etc), I have to take combo of tylenol and motrin every 4-6 hours, but still I guess I thought I would be bed ridden to even think about
surgery. The doctor has talked about
many med's to try and does not want to do this surgery because he said after the first resection the disease can come back and then you will experience problems. He hasn't elaborated on it yet, but now I'm so worried. I know people on here have talked about
not only one but two surgeries and no complications (or none that I can remember). I am trying to do some research on statistics and what the surgery entails and what to expect afterwards.