I kind of don't understand about
gi's prescribing pain med's but I'm the same way, I've never asked my gi for pain med's just my primary care, my gi wants to up my rem to keep me from taking pain med's, but my cd doesn't work like that, it seems that I respond better to opiate's than anything else. I don't know about
anybody else, but I can't get to remission with med's, surgery is the only thing that has ever given me anything close to remission, I think med's keep my cd in check, but if I want to be pain free temporairilly than for me pain med's unfortunatly is what works. I've had cd for 40 years and I can't take much pain anymore, way too many years of pain, I don't evan try to tough it out when I get those horrible cramping at my resection site, i just take a few vic's and lay down until subsides, can be 3-4 hr episode or it can be 48 hr of miserable cramping pain.