carmen do you take any other med? I don't want to push pain med's, but to get some rest and relief from pain, I'm on rem and vicodin, when I start to get those crampy pains, I can't deal with them, it is not worth it, to fight with pain, it is just to exhausting. My wife got her gall bladder out on Monday, surg. sent her home with percoset, she said i don't want those, now 2 days later she is gald she has them, her bowels are slow, but it is really painful getting your gb out. she didn't take her med's like she was suppose to, after the first day, and I warned her against that, on her second night, in order for her to rest and sleep properly she had to take them every 6 hr's, like prescribed, w/ stool softeners. I hear folfs on this forum use heating pad when they get cramping pains, my pain h. pad wouldn't do a thing for my pain, way to intense for that. I've seen people die, both my parents and my wife's. and a few friends. Im huge advocate on pain med's and what they're used for.