Hi all
I need to find a new doc office and fast the one I go to is horrid. I called hte middle of last week to my pharmacy as they request to get meds refilled and one needed a PA in order for my insurance to cover it...well on day 2 now without my singulair for my asthma....not only that But I called and asked them for a new script for my B12 shot...they are saying they never had an order from my current GI (my old one in RI before I moved has had me on B12 since my surgeries in 2007) but they wont refil it until I have fasting labs done to prove I need it and I have to wait til after my normal shot day would be...
I also call them for things such as today I called since I still have a sore throat (3 days now) think it is allergies but I do also have a few small white patches on my tonsils (I was very sick last year with what "looked like" strep or mono but all tests proved nothing. I also have been aches and pains all over for 7 days now where it hurts to lay down but I am so exhausted...what was their answer well call back friday if you still feel that way.
I am just so frustrated but I fear if I switch doc offices that I will run out of my pain meds or the new place wont script them out to me