Its amazing how well iron infusions work...who would have thought...
Ferritin: 11 normal: 13-150
Iron serum: 22 normal: 52-150
%saturation: 6% normal 15-50%
Ferritin: 17 normal: 13-150
Iron Serum: 63 normal 52-150
% saturation: 19% normal 15-50%
Still on the low side of normal but ....ITS NORMAL!!
First normal test I have had in a while. I was thinking it wasn't improved because I bleed everytime I go to the bathroom quite a bit and that is 7-10 times/day.
My CBC hasn't come back I know its abnormal....which it was all low last time too. But some improvement is better than no improvement at all. PLUS when flaring its great to get good news
Hope everyone has a good night