It is absolutely revolting weather here: cold and wet and just plain bleak. I am going slightly mental, as I want to play in the garden and inside is full of less enjoyable jobs that I have put aside for weather like this, when I wouldn't be tempted to go and do the weeding or something. Guess what. It's pouring rain and freezing and those inside jobs still seem less than enjoyable, and I still don't want to do them
Our average rainfall for April: 49.9 mm
Wettest April on record: 101.2 mm
Our rain in the last 23 HOURS: 73.6 mm
And that will go higher, as it's still pouring here.
They think it might clear a little this afternoon, at which point I may be able to go out and do some errands, and let the poor gps out for a run. Here are some tlcs for this morning - will amend plans at lunch-time, once I have a better idea of what the weather will be.
* tidying. Lots of tidying
* dishes. Lots of dishes
* keep trying to clear my desk (ha)
* order piggle & garden supplies
* shower & dress
* wash more of the clothes I bought on Sat; maybe do some hemming
I think I'm going to have to find some winter activities outside the house; maybe join a gym or something. The garden was keeping me moving & was building lots of muscle tone, and I can already feel stiffness and aches coming on, as I'm less active inside, and do lots of reading & embroidery etc. Ideas welcome - what do those of you in snowy countries do once it gets cold?