Posted 5/4/2011 3:42 PM (GMT 0)
I'm probably the worst person to start a post like this, but it is out of desperation. to try to avoid surgery for 1 1/2 yr's my wife goes to a wonderful dear friend and acupunctuist, and holistic med's. she is total vegan, anyway I know acupuncture takes time to know if it works, I;ve had it done on oulled muscle in mjy arm, and it helped cure it quiker. I was on rem and oxy's for pain, rem has completly wore off, and I now have mexican ins. so I'm not having rem down there. my first appt. with new mex GI is this monday. but everything I eat causes alot of pain. if fact I can't eat unless I take pain med. to me when that has happened like this before I needed resection. I'm not against that, evan tho I have had 9ft removed(small bowel), so not overly thrilled about looseing any more. that being said, I'm going to ask gi about starting asacol, nanners uses it with some success, she still has flares, but not real bad, so I'm thinking to try asacol with pain med and acupuncture. I'll never go off cd med's as long as I live. But this is unusual pain for me, all the time, and they turn crampy, until I either pass gas or bm. or both. once I meet my new mexican gi and tour hosp. I might feel different, but just trying to get feed back on acupunc. if it can possibly work, just alittle.