Suggestions - basil, to keep the tomatoes happy. Plus, it's delicious
. Sunflowers, just to thrill the kiddies? I doubt I'll be much good at suggestions. I find it very hard to fathom gardening when you can only do it for a few months a year. Don't you get frustrated, having to start from scratch all the time?
Have you had much success with the peppers before? I tried them once, and they just rotted on the plant :-/.
I had a great time with butter beans this summer: picked them while they were young and tender, and they sat much more easily on the tum than other sorts of beans.
Choc, I also want to know which version of P&P you'll be watching.
AG, you sound successful and busy! Congratulations on having so much work! That's a triumph at any time, and prticularly in the current economic climate. I'm glad the Asacol is working for you, too.
Nanners, what did the dermatologist say?