Hi Roni, I had a resection last August ....there was a leak (surgeon thought he used wrong size staples) it went undiscovered for 2 months ..a lot of ER visits and high temps during that period ......by that time it had try to heal itself and was in a mess so, they had to take more out and gave me an ileostomy bag for 3 months ...then I had it removed in January... and also surgeon (new one) removed any adhesions left from previous surgeries. I was good for couple of months ... and then had naggin pain in side ... I kinda knew it was Crohns back .... but was hoping maybe just some food intolerence ...but, to be honest I can usually tell ...just by the cloak of tiredness that comes with it :-( So, all in all ...only had a couple months total remission ....but, it was really nice .... can't believe how much more energy you can have .... I cope ok with pain ...it's the darn tiredness that gets me crabby. I hope and pray that you are in remission ....but follow your gut feeling (pardon the pun lol) and go see doc if you think its back.....any nagging pain and th big "D" and I would get it checked out