NYVeggie, that's very interesting - would you mind emailing me the name of the doc?
ShammyD, the Entocort might work wonders for you. My daughter did very well on it - over time, due mainly to Entocort and dietary interventions, her stricture disappeared. (We still can't believe it, because at one time it looked so bad).
Now, she is doing very well on LDN. Entocort might be your best bet right now. It is designed to treat Crohn's exactly where you have it, with minimal side effects. In the long term - years, Entocort might eventually cause side effects, but right now the goal is to get rid of that stricture, if you can. Low dose Entocort combined with LDN also worked well for my daughter, so you could introduce LDN if the Entocort seems to be helping. One doc we talked to referred to Pentasa as "an expensive placebo."
There's no question Pentasa seems to help the lucky few who respond to it, but if it isn't helping, eventually you might want to get rid of it - who needs the side effects from a med that doesn't even work? Right now, though, the option you might want to run by your doc is using Entocort to taper off pred. My daughter introduced Entocort at 6 mg when she tapered down from pred to 20 mg. Then she upped the Entocort to 9mg the very day she stopped taking pred, entirely. Then she tapered from 9 mg Entocort to 6 mg, then 3 mg, and then used LDN to taper completely off Entocort. She has been on LDN with Pentasa for only a few weeks, now, so it's too soon to tell whether the Pentasa is helping.
It might help to use, in addition, a dietary intervention like SCD or maybe a liquid diet.