one of my largest problems, pain management..
I to have zofran which causes me 10 day constipation, which leads me to the er and some lovely enemas and other details not worth going into, gross.
tried, zantac, omerparozlem, reglan blah blah blah
to your point, seen several gi specialists, they all say the same thing, they only treat symptoms, not the disease, nor the pain from the disease.
although they will send you to a pain treatment center iif you wish, faulous place (incoming sarcasam, warning) where they ofter wonderful options, like breathing exercises (not saying this doesnt help, ya know like a band daid on a severed artery) or advice like join a gym, take a college free swimming course and of course the bending excercises with cute names like "the angry cat"
Strangley, I could,if I wanted, have all the narcotics I want, fentanyl, dilaudid, morphine, vicodin, percocet, darvocet, blah blah blah, but I am intollerant to them all, I throw up endlessly on them.
So what could the world offer to counter nausea and vommiting and intestinal pain, I have a prescription here in california, outside my kasier hospital who doesnt support the medication, I believe I am not allowed to mention it's name in this forum due to some rules, So I won't, but it's California, and a special prescription so shouldnt be to hard to figure out, it changed my life, been three years on it now, pay out of pocket, but it instantly cures the nausea and vommiting.
Strangley the FDA approved a synthetic from of this medication in two FDA approved names Nabilone and Dronobinol but I have yet to find a doctor who will prescrbe them, apparently narcotics are much better for your health.
So my two cents, please dont ban me for talking about anything inappropriate, I hope I stayed within the guidllines of the forum.