Here's a free article on pubmed talking about
trying to figure out if and how, anti-tnf meds such as remicade & humira cause lymphoma. If anyone is astute enough to provide worthwhile interpretation, please do. Myself, about
all I can take away is that some sort of yo-T cells can possibly be caused to proliferate when taking the meds, but only becomes really high for young males who have high baseline counts to begin with. It also seems to indicate that the proliferation occurs more with remicade than Humira, at least in this study, but the author seems to say that it is because of the way they conducted the study rather than an actual difference between the two meds. And this particular part I didn't see how the author really explained this aspect in a way that I could really grasp. But otherwise, for someone ignorant about
matters like this such as myself, it seemed like an interesting hypothesis and attempt to make an inroad into to determining how to better understand the biologic/lymphoma connection.