I got diagnosed with Chrons about
two weeks ago. According to the doctor, I have a high level of antibodies for Chrons. However, the camera test results were normal and there is no damage to my intestines. To be frankly honest, I did not even know I had it. Over the past two years, I had about
three episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. I thought it was just food poison. After all, the symptoms only lasted about
30 minutes.
Even though I had a food allergies since I was 20 years old, it was not a severe problem until the last five years. At the age of 43, my food allergies became severe. My body appears to be producing antibodies against the food I am still able to consume. I practically live off of benadryl and atarax. A doctor put me on dexamethason for about
six weeks to counteract the food allergies. I felt great until I started to get some of the unpleasant side effects. My case seems to be mystery for the doctors, and I am miserable and highly frustrated with the situation. Since the Chrons is not active, I don't understand how it could be causing my food allergies. Perhaps, the food allergies are causing the Chrons. I don't know the answer, but my guess seems to be as good as any doctor's.
*Gave your posrt a title:)*
Post Edited By Moderator (Nanners) : 8/9/2011 7:43:05 AM (GMT-6)