After going downhill with pain, nausea, and D for10 days in a row, I was supposed to go meet my niece, her husband and their kids at a campground about
10 miles from my house where they were camping for five nights. I fretted about
it the whole day before I was to go, knowing how bad I was and how I would be stuck at some camp site far away from any bathroom.
That day (yesterday) I decided to go. I told myself they were family and if anything happened they would understand. It wasn't like I was going out in public. So I talked myself into it and I went. I was right about the bathroom. It was a 3 minute walk uphill away from the camp site. But I had packed my emergency kit and was prepared for what I was sure would happen.
Guess what? Nothing happened. My nausea went away, so did my d and all the pain. I was with them at the camp site from 1 pm to 7:30 pm without any symptoms of CD. The weather was beautiful, we enjoyed the lake, the kids made s'mores, I enjoyed the campfire. All in all, it was a gorgeous, beautiful day with family.
The moral to this story is never say never, and don't let the fear of this disease ruin your plans entirely. IL had a wonderful day with my family. Maybe you have a great day you'd like to share in which your symptoms went away long enough for you to enjoy yourself. I am so grateful for mine.