Hey guys! Hope everyone is well and enjoying the end of their summer. I hope I'm not repeating a post, I haven't found a recent one similar to this andf if so, I do apologize.
Well like a few of you, I'm also preparing for this wonderful lady called Irene that's coming around my neighborhood sometime on Sunday. I think some people are overreacting a bit but I guess it's a bit catchy and my house is now stocked with lots of water, batteries, flashlights and the lot.
Now I'm on Humira and currently have my next two pens in the fridge. I'm concerned about losing power. We are going to throw together some ice and ice packs in coolers, but I'm afraid that may be too cold as the Humira box says specifically not to freeze. I could always attempt to find someone else with power if they have it and we don't, but I'm nervous on having to rely on something that isn't a set possibility. I'd prefer to be in control of this situation and be prepared. So does anyone hyave any ideas? Do you think maybe the pharmacy would possibly take it back temporarily until we get our power back? Ughh of course this is all assuming we lose power, but it's better to plan for the worse I guess. I hate not knowing!
Anyone else ever have the same or similar situation? What have you done? Any ideas? As always, I appreciate everyone's help and input! You guys are lifesavers!