Hi all, I'm looking for anyways advice, suggestions or your experince.
I've been on MTX and humira together for 8months now, and it's truly made my life a whole lot better, just what a difference. I finally have my life back in terms of arthritis. being able to open a bottle of water, even better being able to dress and undress myself. Being 27 that means the world to me.
I have endo and recently (ok a year now) I've been getting cyst on my right ovary, every month rupturing bring me to the E.R well this month I had another cyst.. one which still hasn't ruptured so I'll be going in for surgery to remove it. But the problem is I may lose my ovary at the same time, with all of this my doctor feels (and so do I) that trying for a baby through IVF to give me the best chances right away is my best options.His agreed if and after I have a baby I can get a hysterectomy which is all I want. i want my life back in all ways!!
But trying for a baby now means I have to stop MTX. This scares the living crap out of me since I've finally found relief, relief I've been dying for, for over 3 years.
So now you know my story, would you stop it?! if you have stopped it, when/if did the arthritis come back? I mean I have to be off of it for 3 months before evening trying and then 9 months of pregnancy, will it hold off? I know we're all different and what may happen to 1 may not happen to another. But I'd really appreciate your insight!
Thanks all for your support,