Was just going to update everyone.
My EUS Scope is Tuesday Oct 11 8:30 am.
Hoping they find what has been making me sick and my lipase levels to be elevated.
On the 1st of Oct my Gi suggested dropping the imuran and upping my pred back to 20 till the procedure, since I dropped 9 pounds last couple weeks.
I was tapering pred down from 20 to 12.5 and taking the imuran. Anyway, I just blood tested this weekend and my lipase are now dropping back to normal.
So imo 1 of 2 things is happening:
The imuran was causing my pancreas to be unhappy
the Pred is masking something wrong with my pancreas, as pred is often used for pancreas related illness's (although there are multiple reasons to have elevated lipase
I have had pancreatitis and acute pancreatitis before, wouldn't surprise me if my pancreas were to blame.
Doesn't matter, my theories don't matter, the eus pictures I am hoping will reveal what is wrong.
Wish me luck, going to sleep for this one, very happy about that.
Cya guys on the other side tomorrow night perhaps, or whenever I wake up to post.