Hello all!. I'm writing an informative piece of information that my doctor and I discovered or came up with last week. I have taken every CR medication known to man such as oxycontin, mscontin and Opana. I am a Crohn's patient with a severe case. I have had more surgeries than I can remember and lost count at 10. My pain has been out of control for at least 8 months now. My medication regimen included Remicade or Humira with one of the above following medications and Dilaudid IR 8mg. My pain has been at a high of a 9 on nearly everyday so recently I gave up and felt I could no longer take the pain. Well my mother and wife found another PM Doctor that is rated in the top 10% in the nation and the top 1% of the state of Texas. To top it off he is a very young doctor in his 40's. Anyway I met with him along with my wife and explained my situation along with providing all of my documentation regarding my past surgeries and testing. I told him that I was getting zero relief from the XR/CR medications and only getting relief from the 8mg Dilaudid Instant Release. I had been seeing another pain doctor that was just getting me by so he thought and said that he was already giving me alot of medixine for my pain and would not go up on it. This new PM Doc told me that he believed that my body was not processing the XR/CR Medication as a normal person would because of the Crohns disease. He went into further detail and the mechanics of how the digestive system processes the XR pain meds vs the IR meds. He told me that he wanted to prescribe me the fentanyl transdermal patch as this would bypass the stomach/digestive tract. To make a long story short he has given me the 75mcg patch, 8mg dilaudid ir every 4 hours as needed, along with fentora; a wafer made of fentanyl that is used for pain. it is 400 mcg. He told me that the fentora could be used for emergencies when my pain becomes extreme 8 or 9, to keep me from having to go to the emergency room. This doctor has so far been a god send and it is no wonder he is rated as such.
In conclusion it never crossed my mind that my problem was the xr pain meds and the way my stomach digested or processed them. My advice for anyone with crohns is to keep this information in the back of your mind if it's not working out with you taking the Xr medications.