Ds was on entocort, think he was on full dose for about
a month and then a few months weaning off(weaning off took longer than the time he was on full dose) He really suffered with acne as a side affect and even months after weaning off the acne persisted.
He tried several prescriptive items for it with no joy and so was referred to a dermatologist(3 month wait til his appt)In the mean time we went with a herbal product that cleared his skin up really quickly.
In his case the drug did very little for him except plaster him in acne and it is not a drug he would be 'happy' to use again.
I am glad that it appears to be working for you and all I would say with acne side affects is that if it starts to take over seek treatment for it and not wait as long as we did in the belief that it would 'sort itself out' once off the drug, that didn't happen for him and although his skin is now clear he has been left with pick scars.