Some of you are aware of my situation... I've been on MTX for the arthritis for 8 months now along with humira. I recently had to stop MTX to try for a baby (as i recently lost an ovary and half endo which is very progressed) so I feel trying now is my only option before I lose my other ovary. But I'm started to regret getting off MTX to the point where I'm crying now (and I'm not a cryer) the arthritis has come back after 5 weeks of not being on it. I can't use the stairs again,
open bottles... anything really... my fingers are all swollen. All I can think about
is going back on MTX as it really gave me my life back (but i had the endo problem) UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so lost and confused!
My question is... is there anything out there that has HELPED YOU for the inflammation and bring the swelling down.
I got my life back with the arthritis, then the endo mess's everything up... if it's not one thing it's another it seems... when will this end!!!