I had fistula flap advancement surgery 10 days ago and I’m starting to worry a lot. Each day the draining of blood has been tapering off. But, yesterday I had was very constipated for some reason and it caused a lot of pain. Well there was a little extra drainage, but it wasn’t really bloody. I had another bowel movement today, it was no hard and I didn’t strain etc. Well 2 hours after the bowel movement I started passing a lot of bright red blood and blood clots and I’m having a lot of pain that I haven’t had in the past few days. I’m bleeding through a 2 x 2 gauze pad about every 45 minutes. I’m scared I ripped stitches but I also don’t want to call the on call doctor and sound like some hypochondriac patient either. If anyone has ever dealt with this surgery or has any advice that can maybe help, because I’m really starting to panic.