Just back home from my follow-up colonoscopy...to update I had a colonoscopy 6 weeks ago, because I had been having ALOT of abdominal pain and diarrhea, and then about
2 days of non-stop passing of blood/tissue... in that colonoscopy they only made it to 45 cm when they found severe circumfirential ulcerations with narrowing, and had to stop there, it was too narrow, and too dangerous to try to go beyond this point, those biopsies came back of non-specific colitis. I took a round of Flagyl...and had Permethius test that apparently showed some signs of Crohns but not 100% diagnostic, had an increased CRP of 38...and increased SED of 35....saw Gastro and he started me on Sulfasalazine 500mg 3 pills 2x a day....had to decreased to 2 pills 2x day due to severe headaches..
Had follow-up scope today....they made it all the way into terminal ileum, took biopsies throughout the colon....I also had a diffuse area of nodularity in the terminal ileum...and scattered areas of erythematous mucosa in the left side of the colon...they biopsied all of these areas. So, now I just have to wait for the biopsy results....not sure if this will finally confirm my diagnosis or not. Just want to know whats going on so we can get me back on the road. I am better since the sulfasalazine, but its hard not knowing for sure whats going on.