Well it seems you have the same issues as my 18 year old son. He was diagnosed when he was 11 years old and we didn't even know that abscess's and fistulas excited until about
2 years ago. Now - he stay in almost constant discomfort and has had several surgerys to drain that area, etc... He even has to wear ladies kotex pads in his undearwear as it drains all the time. He even had one burst on his bottom and blood was everywhere. He (over 2 years later) is being told that it is healing. He is finding that as his disease is bad or worsening, then his bottom hurts worse. He takes a LOT of baths as it gives him the best comfort plus keeps that area nice and clean. He is getting ready to enter into the test study for a drug called Vedolizumab or otherwise known as MLN0002. We are hoping its are next miracle as we have had alot of them in these last several years. If you have any question, I would certainly be willing to chat or help if I can.