pb4 said...
You may have developed IBS or even lactose intolerance, either of <a style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_2 title="Powered by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=Q0E6MTIyNTE6NTY1OnRob3NlOjVmMjYxNGE4Y2YwZTkyMjg0MjgyMzU4OWJhYmU4N2I2OnotMTA2My0xNDcyOTp3d3cuaGVhbGluZ3dlbGwuY29t">those</a> can vary from mild to severe and being gassy is a symptom from either of them.
Interesting. I did become lactose intolerant when I developed Crohn's disease many years ago, I thought it was normal to after getting the disease. So I have stayed away from dairy really for about
6 years now.
I just can't figure it out in terms of food, because it seems to happen after all sorts of foods, salads, hamburgers, chips etc... Very gassy and a dull pain bellow the ribs.