Hi everyone.... I am new to this forum and Crohn's Disease in general and would really appreciate some advice and suggestions on my situation...
History: I am a 27yr female who was just diagnosed with Crohn's in March of this year. It is located in my terminal ileum and it is said to be quite severe. I have tried Entocort, Prednisone (allergic reaction) and now I am on Humira (once a week) and Imuran (150mg). My Crohn's effects my joints to the point I can't walk along with 20+ trips to the bathroom and horrible stomach cramping. In the last 3 months I have been hospitalized and my GI and surgeon were talking about a resection (with possible stoma) in my terminal ileum and removal of 2/3's of my colon. It has now been 2.5 months since getting out of the hospital and starting Imuran / Humira and my symptoms seem to go up and down every couple of days. I just had another colonoscopy to confirm previous findings from 2 months ago of inflammed colon and ileum and it has shown things appear to be close to remission ... so my question is why do I still feel like garbage? My joints are in horrible shape, I cramp after I eat most food and still lots of trips to the 'loo ? Has anyone else experienced ongoing symptoms but had good colonoscopy results? The humira must be working to be able to heal my guts but I feel like my GI won't believe what I am saying about my symptoms. I just want to feel better so I can live my life the way I am supposed to and be the mom to my 3 year old she deserves... thanks for taking the time to read this :)