Hi there, heres my prob,
I have had the feeling of being slightly consitpated on and off for almost a month now. One week one, the a whole week off, then for the last two weeks its been on again. And it only happens at nite.
Also, I still poo every morning but the the full constipated feeling starts up inthe evening!
Other things that have been happening is one time my poo seemed very sticky and hard, another time i looked in the toilet and thought it was black or dark green on some parts. The poo shape has also changed(curly almost like it has a kink on the end, ***? I get the feeling of not emptying my bowels completly.
2 weeks ago I got this weird pain in my anus, woke me up at nite. I went to the docs the next day she said come back in a week if you still have probs. I did. No more anal pain, but constipation still there. So a week later went to another doc, he did a sweep of my anus and said it was fine. Said come back in a week. THe next day i started feeling nausious didnt vomit but felt nausis all weekend and didnt eat much. Went to the doc and he gave me blood work and foc. its monday and no more nausua.
I also had a ultra sound of my pelvis as i was having lower back cramps as well. The test came back clear.
im really scared i have something crazy and am just wondering if anyone else has expeirienced these symptoms and what was there conditions>?
ps/ I have been known to have constipation in the past, but never this long, adn usually it means i dont poop at all.
thank you!