Posted 10/21/2012 5:11 AM (GMT 0)
I went on a two-week cleanse and gave up inflammatory foods like nightshade veggies, all sugar and dairy and ate organic fish, beef and chicken. I used fresh lemon juice and lime with olive oil and had no prob! Also gave up caffeine, all gluten and alcohol. It was tough but I did it! I also had never had such normal bowel movements ( I feel comfortable sharing that here-lol). So fast forward a month later and my diet's not perfect, but I'm doing better. I don't have my two cups of coffee a day habit any more and I rarely drink diet coke. Today, I went out to lunch and had tomato-based tortilla soup and indeed had a diet coke. Soon after came the stabbing stomach pains, cramps, and my stomach swelled like a beach balla- just so frustrating because I have had diet coke many times before and had no prob. Why sometimes a reaction and sometimes not? My girlfriend said people with autoimmune diseases need to stay away from citric acid. Thought I knew everything about good/bad for crohn"s. what she said kinda makes sense! Anyone else experience this? Eating out is fun but so frustrating! Feel like I"m going through a landmine when I order. Any thoughts on the citric acid issue? Please share!