So my latest CT scan said my current flare is in my colon and not in my TI area where my resection was 22 years ago. I have studied and am very familiar with all my treatment options when I knew it was TI located and I could have fistulas again. Doc says after we get a scope done to biopsy area and check it out better, we will likely have to consider new meds. Was too stunned to ask what meds. Is colon care that much different than what I know from my TI care??? Other than the mesalamines that are
location specific, what new things should I know.
I am scared for my future for the first time in a long time (thinking about cancelling future planned vacations and the addition to the house because money worries always jump to mind first for me). I am still not eating well and having sharp pains....I can't believe I am 46 years old and 22 years into CD and I am about as scared as I was at initial rupture.