My daughter, age 9, dx w/ CD Nov. 2012 has complained quite frequently of bad headaches behind her eyes. Her face at night is bright red and having a hot flash, usually accompanied by a bad headache. I called eye doc being concerned about
something w/CD and glaucoma that GI spec. had mentioned, but they said the eyes would be totally red, blood-shot, which hers never are. Has anyone experienced this on pred.? Tonight, half of her face was "on fire" and the other half felt totally normal temp. and she said her head hurt on the side where her face felt normal temp. Then she said to me, "Mom, ever since I've been on these medicines my stomach and head have been killing me!" What do I do? We're seeing a new gi spec. this Thursday.
She also started 6 MP 2 weeks ago and we're weaning her off of pred. We start 20 mg wean tomorrow for 2 weeks. She's been on it since Dec. 1 and I can't say we've seen an improvement in symptoms. If anything, her stomach pains have increased in frequency. (It did heal the large fissure on her rectum though). I'm also very nervous about her being on 6MP after reading others' posts....glaucoma, pancreatitis, hair loss, etc.
Thank you for your help...