Posted 4/14/2013 3:03 PM (GMT 0)
I've had mixed success with rheumys. Even though it's pretty clear my joint pain is Crohn's-related and not RA (due to the low RA-factor in bloodwork), my first rheumy was quite aggressive in treating it, which was somewhat of a good thing because the joint pain was very debilitating at the time. I spent seven months on methotrexate and probably 18 months of sulfasalazine. The methotrexate had too many more side effects than benefits for me, so I eventually stopped. Luckily, either it did the trick, or my joint pain subsided on its own. That's the only *really* bad flare of joint pain I've had. When I moved and found a new rheumatologist, he only gave me pain meds for my joint pain, in part because I was already taking Crohn's meds and in part because he didn't see the point of taking that more aggressive route.