Since I was in my early twenties I would occasionaly get what I call "my attacks". It always starts in the afternoon with periodic twinges of pain in the middle of my abdomen. By dinner time, the pains will be stronger, coming in waves of pain, feeling like my bowel is contracting very strongly. I will lose all appetite until the attack is over, btw. By bed time, the pains will be so strong that I can't sleep through them, and by 2 or 3 am, I will be on my knees in the bathroom, throwing up with each wave of pain. Although my stomach is empty, I throw up green bile. (yuck!) By dawn, I am usually starting to feel better, although I will feel "aftershocks" for a few days. I feel like if I could have a BM, I'd feel better, but I can't.
The first time it happened, I was so scared I went to the emerg, but they couldn't find anything wrong. My GP at the time eventually diagnosed me with "reverse peristalsis" resulting in two peristaltic waves meeting and causing an extra strong contraction. I was taking prepulsid to calm the attacks when they came, and it worked well, but then it got taken off the market. Thankfully, as I have gotten older, my attacks come much less frequently (less than once a year, now).
Now that I have been diagnosed with CD, I am wondering if these attacks were actually partial blockages of the ileum. Does this pattern of pain sound familiar to anyone in the forum?