and really confused with report.
I have been having stomach issues ( cramping, bloating, blood in stool, diarrhea, pain on right side) for over 3 years.
My PCP thought my symptoms could possible be Crohns or Colitis and that when she sent me to GI. So... TODAY...I finally had the test that I was hoping for would give me answers and I do not understand what findings even mean. I was still somewhat out of it when DR came and talked to me so didn't ask questions. So, I was hoping I can give you guys some of what the reports says and hopefully you can help me out =) I don't see DR until Monday.
Endoscopy: 1) A ringed shaped esophagus was noted throughout the esophagus, proximal esophageal biopsies obtained to evaluate. 2) Mild non-erosive gastritis was found in the distal body and the antrum of the stomach, biopsies obtained. 3) LA classification Grade A erosive esophagitis in the distal esophagus, biopsies obtained. 4) Random biopsies obtained to evaluate foe celiac sprue.
Colonoscopy: 1) Normal ileum 2) Diverticula, scattered throughout the colon. 3) The ascending, transverse, descending, sigmold colon, and rectum appeared unremarkable. Random biopsies obtained. 4) A single biopsy was obtained at the splenic flexure - there was bleeding post-biopsy with venous bleb. 5) Await biopsy results.
Do I have the answers to a DX and I just don't understand the report. Or do I have to wait for biopsy result to even have an idea. what the heck is going on with me I was really hoping I would leave there with all my questions answered but I am even more confused So, if anyone can even somewhat help me understand this... I would really appreciate it.