Hi Everyone,
I know a lot of people on the forums are having a lot of issues with their disease, but I thought it might be good to pose a question to the group of Moderate Crohns sufferers. I deal with Crohns and have good and bad days based on diet/time of the month mainly. Especially bad days if I eat the wrong thing or experiment with something I haven't tried in a while. BTW I have two known strictures.
I had a small bowel follow through earlier this year and a scan of my guts and it's confirmed I have two strictures and a lot of inflammation, to the point the radiologist said are you in a lot of pain? and I said no? well sometimes but not all the time and not at that moment.
My Dr stopped Entocort, because he felt it wasn't helping and said to try 6MP or a biologic such as Remicade or Humira. He thinks the biologic would work the best. I have been on 6MP in the past but chickened out because of the risk of cancer, although low. I was thinking about
Humira, imagining eating things again that I just can't eat right now, but in the midst of research came across possible, rare, side effects of MS something my grandmother had and not exactly reversible once you stop the drug. Oh yeah and cancer, of course.
Now I am not so sure what to do. If my quality of life is not greatly suffering is Humira too far a step for me? I know a lot of people turn to it because they have 0 quality of life but right now, I go out, I do things and I deal with my bad days but mainly keep on going.
Just an inner struggle, I think I want to exhaust 6 MP before attempting a biologic, but thought it might be a good thread to start, when faced with more extreme (side effect wise) drug choices and moderate disease, what's the right decision?