I am taking sucralfate because of 2 ulcers. I also take dicyclomine for IBS ( along with naturopathic things I am taking hings for the ulcer and H-Pylori).
My question is this:
I am having an IBS flair up atm. I do not want to have to wait nearly 4 hours to take my dicyclomine. What would happen if I took the dicyclomine 50 minutes before I am scheduled to take the sucralfate? I know to be without food or drink or certainly medicine 2 hours before taking the sucralfate. ( as well as 2 hours after for medications)
Would the sucralfate... which I will take in 50 minutes... bond to the dicyclomine rather than the ulcer if I took the dicyclomine before taking the sucralfate?
I have a few questions about all of this. But right now this is the most important one. While the answers will not come in time for me to take the Diclcyclomine right now, it would be good to know for the future. Thanks :)