Hi sorry I haven't posted in a while I hope everyone is as well as wut can b expected,,I'm very sick again
and 4 a number of years 27 2 b actually right I have been suffering with Crohn's disease with possible every complication u can have and numerous surgerys 2 correct bowel obstructions narrows strictures abbcess u name it but my disease its self I only had a few real bad flare-ups and I am in my second week now and lost 16 pounds in 18 days I can't even keep track how many times I am running 2 the bathroom on a regular basis when I make it 2 that magical room lol,,The tireness weakness my legs r paining from my arthritis and my fibro is killing me and the legs r litterally ready 2 stop working all together they feel like jello and speaking of jello after eatting it 4 so many years well can I say any more about
it yes but it wouldn't b polite or appropiate u know wut I'm saying,,So I'm on Humira and tried Remicade and Methtraxate and developed ethma nordiousm and the Humira was working 4 almost a yaer now but this happened and I'm sure u can all contest 2 saying and being amazed how fast the weight drops of,,but I'm not bigger than the disease and I'm well aware that a TPN is in my future,,So now I'm waiting on my white count,,and other lab results and stool secimans
which I get back on Friday and than I choose the hospital either my local small town make shift hospital or go almost 3 hours away where the care is surpasses the meaning of excellence but 2 me without seeing my husband or the children and my family it stresses me out more causeing my disease 2 flare more stress really kills us RIGHT but tomorrow I will know my destiny,,He already started me on a high dose of steriods Predisone and I'm restless my RLS is acting up and I'm afraid this time I guess b4 I was in hospitals at least 4 to 5 times a year and after the last surgery I am proud 2 say I haven't been in hospital since 10 months I guess I'm a little depressed I thought it was all behind me but it always sneaks back without a warning,,So I guess wut I'm saying is how do u cope anyone have any good advice 4 me please I'm in tears and I'm one of the most positive ppl I know ppl always ask why r u so happy all the time when u r so sick and I say it could b worse and push thru the day but these days r getting harder and hareder everyday.....Thanks 4 the tips I hope this post finds u all well...