It's that time of year again, when my doc treats me to a holiday colonoscopy. Here is what I am freaking out about . . . .
Lately, I have had some pains (nothing major . . . I still run 5 miles / day and function relatively normally on a day-to-day basis), but I have also had strange bowel issues. I feel like I have to go, and either nothing happens or I just have something small and very loose (I also have a lot of gas and a somewhat bloated feeling). Also, I get the "incomplete evacuation" feeling as well. I have not had a normal BM in weeks (although I have had a few large watery BMs). I suppose either (1) my condition is worsening (about which I would not be thrilled), OR (2) that my CD has "turned into" colon cancer. Maybe I am over-reacting, but I am feeling this way because someone I know recently passed away from CC (he was 48), which prompted me to do what I know I should avoid . . . reading too much stuff on the web. I have had CD since 1989, and as a natural-born pessimist, I am convinced the doc is going to deliver terrible news. I base this on the fact that I am now considered "high risk" and on my symptoms. Any thoughts/advice? My scope is Monday morning.
45y/o male
CD since 1989
Partial colectomy in 1998