I hope it gives an answer, I just have a feeling it's going to be "There's nothing wrong wit you" and that traumatic experience will have been for nothing and we'll be back at square 1.
We already have a plan for going off the Entocort - just need to get answers so we know what the next step will be. Old Doc was ready to write it off after IBD blood test came back negative and just have me go off Entocort in a week and see what happens. New Doc wanted more tests.
Hoping it shows what the colonoscopy didn't because I would rather have ten more colonoscopies then ever have an MRE again
I'm just so overwhelmed and frustrated by having no answers and worried the symptoms will return when I stop the Entocort. Obviously no one here can give me answers either but the not knowing is wearing on me :(
At least now I'm advocating for myself more and at everyone's advice trying to get as many answers as possible and be as aggressive now as possible because of what this could become.
Here's hoping I get results soon.