Hi Guys,
As a newbie can I take some wisdom and advice from you please!!! I have since xmas 2015 been sufferinng from neasua/sickness, loss of appitite weight loss over 1.5st bowel, pain left and lower right side of abdo, changes both hard and soft and sometimes muscus but as yet not seen any blood. The PPI meds not doing a great deal but I am sure they are helping to control the symptoms. I was referred to the Gastro team urgently and I was told they suspected the possibility of cancer so the tests started pre referrel GP blood tests showed serum c reactive protien was up I believe it was 10 should be below 5 I think and an ultrasound scan only showed a fatty liver! Gastro checks - Endoscopy clear otherthan sliding hiatus hernia, 3 biopies taken from stomach. Then a Pancreatic CT Scan which my GP has reassured me it was clear of any cancers thankgod. I am due to see the Gastro team to go over my results on the 14th May. I hope they have some answers in the last two weeks I have also had additional symptoms which are left wrist/thumb joint pain very sharp, OMG Sulpher Burps!!!! not pleasant and swelling in the white of my left eye that wasn't a good evening. Is there anything I should ask for regarding further checks at this appointment and does my issues ring true with the Crohns community forgive the pre-diagnosis plea for help but the not knowing what the pain and sickness is, is becoming a challenge is in itself.
Kind Regards
Post Edited (Jase1) : 4/27/2016 3:35:55 AM (GMT-6)