1.) "Did you experience any side effects?"
I've been on 6MP, which is a sister medication of Imuran, since 2012 and I have not experienced any side effects from it. Imuran/Azathioprine is metabolized into 6MP within the body, so I save a step. I was a little nervous when starting this as a new class of medications as well. What helped me was looking at the actual risks versus benefits and the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America has some great info on it:
: http://www.ccfa.org/assets/pdfs/risk-and-benefits-transcript
When initially starting Imuran, about
20% of patients experience nausea that usually goes away in less than a month's time. To reduce the odds of experiencing nausea, take your Imuran just before bedtime with a snack.
2.) "Was it difficult fitting regular blood tests into your everyday lives? "
Regarding the blood testing, it starts frequently, and then is reduced as you get back good blood test results. I started at weekly blood testing, it was reduced to every-other-week tests, to monthly tests, then every-other-month tests, and finally to tri-monthly. Right now I get a blood test every three months, which isn't that bad or that much of an inconvenience.
3.) "Was it effective?"
I ended up needing Remicade in addition, as 6MP wasn't enough on its own for my IBD severity.