The nausea/pain that you're describing was my first sign of Crohn's. THEN came the dires of the rear, and all the fun that's associated with it. (Though I have to say, my 1/4 mile dash to would probably now break land speed records. LOTS of practice on that one!) Once I got diagnosed and medicated, my body's "flush" button seemed to be deactivated, but the pain is definitely a constant reminder. Sometimes it's on my sides, but that severe stomach pain (definitely not an "ache") and the hit of nausea is probably the most debilitating. Have you tried throwing something like Nexium into your routine? I'm taking it twice a day-- I wonder if the pain is related to stomach acid some way. I know that in my case, all it takes is someone to call my stomach names and my whole system goes into "flush" mode. The stomach pain is definitely a trigger. Amazing how everything's connected, isn't it? (If I drink any alcohol at all, that pain/nausea is my companion for the next 24 hours. --And to think I used to be worried about hangovers! They would be the least of my problems!) Good luck! It seems as soon as we get over one hurdle, another one comes our way!