I posted a few weeks back. I have a bad acne infection and my doctor put me on antibiotics for it. At the time I had 2 pimples that had broken
open, were seeping massive puss and were about
the size of a pea. Now, I have 5 that are the size of a quarter and are eqally deep into my flesh. I have been put on a stronger antibiotic but I havent noticed any change yet. I am getting a little panicked. They have tripled in size and the pain is excrutiating. I am getting one on my eyelid which scares me too. Its just a pimple right now, but its sore and growing fast.
I know some people have had similar experiences. How bad does it get before the doctors take more drastic action to stop theses "potholes" from growing? I asked if it was a staph infection and he said its just the acne out of control from the imuran Im on. Meaning, it is blocking my bodys ability to fight the infections on its own. He gave me a medicated cream too, but I really dont see any difference. He also took a swab of the pothole. Any advice or any one with a similar expeirnce would be great. I will be back in a few days. Thanks a bunch.