My first scope was a nightmare. I hadn't been diagnosed yet, was going through my worst flare, working on a blockage. I was so sick for a month, couldn't eat, weighed about
92 lbs, so weak I couldn't hardly raise my head. I was referred to a GI, who immediately decided to do a scope right there in the office (no sedation). I was so out of it I didn't know what they were doing...but as soon as they started....OMG....I was screaming and dry heaving all over the place (my husband said that they could hear me in the waiting room, bet that disconcerted a few patients). Anyway it didn't last long because it was quickly apparent what was going on in inside (obvisously they didn't do the full scope), and immediately sent me to the hospital and remicade treatments. I was lucky they acted so fast and that I had a Doctor who wanted to try treating before doing surgery (his colleage wanted to do surgery right away, my husband heard them arguing about
it, like I said I was out of it, I don't remember everything).
The remicade (and prednisone, asacohl (sp?), then 6MP) got me over that flare. I was lucky to escape with no surgery. The scope was horrible but it was an emergency procedure, because the GI's office had there own clinic, and anesthesialogist for regular scopes. (heck they even served snacks and drinks after post scopes, I miss that place). I guess my experience shows that if you are messed up enough a scope can be very painful, it all depends on the situation.
With two autoimmune diseases, my motto is: "I am allergic to myself"